Hydro Massage Bed

Massage is a powerful tool in maintaining a good quality of life. Therapeutic massage is especially effective in addressing painful and stiff joints, muscle tension and muscle pain, poor circulation, decrease in mobility and inability to exercise regularly. Everyone is seeking a consistent and reliable massage experience. SpaCapsule® is the answer.

SpaCapsule® is a self-contained, full body massage system, aroma-therapy unit, audio and video entertainment system packaged into one futuristic capsule-shaped relaxation station.

SpaCapsule® is a status symbol – it is a product of the unique fusion of most advanced, modern technology and ancient, time tested healing methods of Massage, Aromatherapy and Audiovisual Relaxation Techniques*. This incredible synthesis coupled with Secret Pulse-Jet Technology™ produced the most progressive Relaxation Experience on the planet.

spa-capsule-dry-water-jet_Hydro_Massage_Bed_TNSpa Capsule® was invented and perfected by Doctors and Physicians who are on-staff of Simulated Environment Concepts, Inc. No other manufacturer can claim this privilege.

*many call the SpaCapsule as hydrotherapy, hydro massage, aquamassage, or aquamed, but water is just one component; please read further to fully understand the amazing holistic benefits