I love the RED LIGHT BED!

Posted in Tanning Reviews Cookeville

I started tanning here about four months ago. Rewind to February 2016. I had gotten into a car wreck and my knee retained a lump of scar tissue. I had chiropractic care for nearly a year and they told me that they felt they could no longer improve my knee. They said surgery would be my next best option. I found out that Millennium had a red light bed. My chiropractor was surprised and told me to lay in it as much as possible since it was supposed to help repair joints, muscles, and skin (an added bonus). After laying about 2-3 times a week, (which is the recommended amount) the lump of scar tissue is almost completely gone!!! The feeling has returned to my knee and Iā€™m no longer in unbearable pain all day long! Not only has it helped with knee pain, it has also helped my back and shoulders! I love the RED LIGHT BED šŸ˜

Brittany C.